


esball国际平台客户端 respects the diversity of values and perspectives inherent in an academic institution and is therefore respectful of intellectual freedom and freedom of expression.  大学不容忍审查制度, nor does it endorse the routine inspection of 电子文件 or monitoring of network activities related to individual use.

有时, however legitimate reasons exist for persons other than the account holder to access computers, 电子文件, 或与使用大学网络有关的资料, including but not limited to: ensuring the continued integrity and availability of University systems and operations; securing user and system data; ensuring lawful and authorized use of University systems; providing appropriately de-identified data for institutionally approved research projects; and responding to valid legal requests or demands for access to University systems and records.

This policy seeks to balance individual freedom and privacy with the need for access by persons other than the account holder when necessary to serve or protect other core values and operations within the University or to meet a legal requirement.  


大学 has established this policy so that users are aware of the privacy which surrounds their use of University information technology resources and the information and communications they send and receive therein.


This policy applies to all users of University information technology resources and the data stored thereon.


在一般情况下, 用户可能希望他们的个人文件和数据具有隐私性, 电子邮件, and voice-mail as long as they are using University information technology resources in a manner consistent with the purposes, 目标, 和大学的使命,并符合法律和大学的政策.  然而, the University cannot guarantee absolute security and privacy of its information technology resources.  相反地, 信息技术资源的各种用途或一般访问, 可能不总是私人的.


在正常的工作职责和大学的运作过程中, 授权员工可以访问数据, 包括存储的数据, esball国际平台客户端你的. 这些数据可能没有由您直接传达给这些员工, 但合适的员工将作为其雇佣的常规部分获得访问权限.  他们只会将这些数据用于与工作相关的目的, which may include sharing it with appropriate individuals outside the University and as otherwise allowed here.


大学, 作为其常规业务的一部分, monitors its information technology resources in an effort to ensure they are used in accordance with law and University policy, 他们的运作效率很高, 他们不会受到威胁, 并定期维护和更新. This includes email and communications you send or receive and files or 软件 you have placed on the University’s information technology resources.  大学可以取回, 复制, and distribute information contained on University information technology resources if such actions are taken by an employee as a regular and necessary part of his/her job duties.


另外, 大学可以取回, 复制, and distribute information contained on University information technology resources if such actions are determined to be in the best interests of the University by the Chief Information Officer and another cabinet-level University official, with notification of such action being made to the Executive Director of 人力资源 for faculty/staff or the 教务长 for students.  例如,如果有合理的理由相信:

  • 大学的资讯科技资源受到威胁, or if such access is needed to ensure the efficient operations of any University information technology resources
  • 违反学校政策或违法行为已经发生或可能发生
  • 大学的财产或权利受到威胁
  • 有影响人身或财产安全的紧急情况
  • 涉及大学或其代理人或雇员的诉讼是可能的或正在进行的
  • 工作文档, 部门需要访问的, 是在员工的电脑上,但员工不在

大学’s monitoring and access may occur without notice to you; however the Chief Information Officer will maintain a log of such activities which shall be made available for inspection by any member of the President’s cabinet.  The fact that any information technology resource is password protected will not prevent monitoring and access by the University.  Monitoring and access may include physically accessing information resources wherever located.


大学 will comply with all lawful orders for access to information when required under the terms of a valid subpoena, 保证, 其他法律秩序, 或者适用的法律, 规例或大学政策.  All legal requests or demands for access to information technology resources or electronic information should be handled according to the procedure outlined in the “Information Technology Requests from Law Enforcement” flowchart that accompanies this policy.  按照这个程序, all such 保证s or other orders should be reviewed by University Counsel prior to releasing any information to law enforcement.  In the event that a law enforcement agency seeks to execute a search 保证 or other order immediately and will not wait for review by University Counsel, individual system technicians or other persons receiving such orders should not obstruct the execution of the 保证 or order, 但应该记录执法部门的行动, 尽快通知首席信息官, and take reasonable steps whenever possible to preserve a 复制 of any data being removed, 供大学适当使用.


Failure to follow this policy will result in the offender(s) being subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


信息技术资源——所有大学拥有和运营的计算机, 软件, 硬件, 和基础设施. 它进一步包括所有的大学服务和程序,如电子邮件, 课程管理系统, 还有网页. 它还包括:

数据和其他文件, 包括电子邮件, stored in or located or residing on (temporarily or otherwise) University-owned centrally-maintained systems, departmentally-maintained系统, 以及大学拥有的系统或计算机.
University data and other files stored off campus in systems owned or operated by other entities.  These systems may be subject to their own terms and conditions related to privacy and other matters.